David and Rubi met through social media on June 18, 2007. It was Rubi’s cousin Yoli who mentioned that a friend of hers from school had found Rubi attractive after visiting her page. One Saturday morning, Rubi got a friend request from a guy named David, who took her breath away with his profound stare. David started the conversation with ” Hello Beautiful.” Rubi read the message and instantly had a smirk on her face. They conversed every night and day after that message. Days went by, and they finally agreed to meet. Their first date was to see Rush Hour 3 and they watched it accompanied by Rubi’s tag along sister Esmeralda. Regardless, they enjoyed each other’s company and laughed the entire time. Rubi knew he was the one. His smile captured her eyes instantly. The deep look of his eyes melted her away. David officially asked her to be his girlfriend at the end of the night, where they sealed it with their first kiss.
On Christmas Day of 2016, David insisted that they open their oldest son’s gift to them together. Rubi started to open the present. It was a beautiful picture of their son’s first day of second grade. David seemed concerned, but yet confused. He said, “That’s it?” Rubi answered, “What did you expect?” David asked her to look again but there was nothing. David had a look in his face that seemed scared. He glanced over at their youngest son and said, “Look!” In his little hand, he held a gorgeous ring that sparkled from a distance. Rubi’s eyes watered up, and David got on his knee and asked the question that Rubi had been waiting for since the day she met him. “Rubi, will you marry me?”. Rubi started to cry, but with tears of joy, she answered, “yes,” at the top of her lungs.













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