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Corona del Mar Engagement- Adrian loves Laura

They were both at Summer Slam (wrestling) with mutual friends. Adrian saw Laura and fell in love. For as tough as he looked, he was actually shy, so he asked a friend, to ask another friend, to ask her friend, for her number. Laura could care less. The guy with the shaved head and baggy pants was not her type. He could call her or not. Whatever… He did. At first, Laura would literally give him five minutes each time he called, make an excuse and hang up. But then the calls got longer and she began to see the sweetness and kindness in the guy with the ghetto look. Adrian was going to do everything in his power to win her heart so anything she criticized he immediately changed.
Fast forward past a courthouse wedding, two kids and lots of memories created along the way. Fast forward to a day when Adrian walked with Laura along a pier, stopped and asked a stranger to take their picture. Nervously, he asked Laura to marry him…. a real wedding. Laura of course would say, “Yes!,” to the man who not just changed himself, but her world.


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A picture captures a moment in life, a reason to remember, holding the ones we LOVE... FOREVER.. in a Story in Time.