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Catamaran Resort San Diego Wedding- Clint and Holly

Holly opened the box and took out a framed picture from her engagement. Clint had written their love story on it. She bit her bottom lip and the tears began to fall as she read. “Holly, I’m so happy that you walked into the Polo Lounge on January 14th, 2012 and asked me to dance. Every day I have spent with you since that first dance has been filled with joy and happiness. I’m very blessed to have met best my friend that night. Since that night our friendship has grown into something more special than words can explain. You have become the love of my life. And on July 15, 2013 you made me the happiest man in the world when you agreed to become my wife. Today we are set to embark on a wonderful new journey together as husband and wife. This journey will take us on many adventures, but the one that I am looking forward to most is waking up every day next to my best friend and the love of my life. Holly, I love you with all of my heart and cannot wait to call you my wife. Love, Clint.”
A few moments later, Holly was walking up to him, tapping him on the shoulder and seeing the man she would marry. Clint turned and smiled and began kissing her over and over again.


I dared the bride to dance with the Hawaiian dancers. (Later her cousins would tell me… “Never dare Holly!”

This beautiful wedding took place at: The Catamaran Resort in San Diego.
Make up and Hair: The Catamaran’s Salon
Florist: Four Seasons Flowers
This wedding story was captured by: A Story in Time PhotographyJessie Cadenas, Tyler Wadsworth with the photography assistance of Stephanie Arellanes.

To see all wedding pictures from this event click HERE.

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A picture captures a moment in life, a reason to remember, holding the ones we LOVE... FOREVER.. in a Story in Time.