Her mom’s words….
“Mi hija Nataly la reina de mi corazón… única e inteligente, estudiosa y valiosa. Especial por ser como eres. Siempre logras lo que te propones, por creer en ti, así como nosotros tus padres creemos en ti. Estamos muy orgullosos. Si tuviera que defenderte te diría que te rodees de personas que saquen lo mejor de ti. Si algún día sientes que el mundo se derrumba, nunca olvides que aquí estarán tus padres para ayudarte defenderte. Nuestro deseo en el futuro es que seas muy feliz, que nunca se aparte de ti la verdad, la justicia… que Dios siempre sea tu luz, tu guía y te permita cumplir cada uno de tus sueños ❤️”
“My daughter Nataly, the queen of my heart… unique and intelligent, studious and valuable. Special for being who you are. You always achieve what you set out to do, for believing in yourself, just as we, your parents, believe in you. We are very proud If I had to defend you, I would tell you to surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you. If one day you feel like the world is collapsing, never forget that your parents will be here to help you defend yourself. Our wish in the future is for you to be very happy. May truth and justice never depart from you… may God always be your light, your guide and allow you to fulfill each of your dreams ❤️”

This Story was captured by A Story in Time Photography: Jessie Cadenas. If you are interested in your Engagement or Wedding Story being captured, don’t hesitate to contact us using the contact button at the top of this post or HERE.
See and get to know Jessie, the photographer on her personal FACEBOOK PAGE (yeah it’s open. You can stalk, but we can always be friends,) but if that’s too weird this is the Business Page!
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To see all the pictures from this session, visit the Gallery.