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Tag Archives: Perch Restaurant Engagement

Los Angeles Engagement Session- Carlos loves Victor

They had both noticed each other in passing in the first days of college. Just a glance. Nothing more. It was in a computer lab where they both actually looked and Victor had the courage to speak to Carlos. “Are you Gay?,” he asked. Carlos looked up at the man he had been admiring and lied, “No.” Victor rapidly walked away and Carlos immediately regretted his answer. He stood up and walked.. ran after him. He caught up and started explaining. They both had their fears. Neither of them were out. Their room mates, friends and family had no idea the secret they kept, and so began a romance, a love that was worth fighting for and that never should be hidden.


To see more pictures click HERE if their Cinematic Story does not appear below.

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  • FrankHi!!!!! They look so in love and how wonderful to see this!! I would be privileged to be their DJ if the opportune moment should arise!! Please have them call me and I’ll provide a presentation and consultation in hopes I can be a small part of their Big Day!! Thank you 626-255-3048ReplyCancel

  • JacobJessie!!! Awesome session! You capture love in so many amazing shot!ReplyCancel

  • Samantha LukThey’re so cute together!(:ReplyCancel

  • heather nanAhhh, these are so sweet! Well done!ReplyCancel

  • IsabelleSo cute together!!! lovely session.ReplyCancel

  • Albert PalmerGreat job- the one at sunset is my favourite – great job 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Adonye JajaSo good, yeah that sunset pic is sweeet!ReplyCancel

  • timyou caught some great moments there. awesome set!ReplyCancel

A picture captures a moment in life, a reason to remember, holding the ones we LOVE... FOREVER.. in a Story in Time.