Kellie logged into her account to see that a handsome guy, in a suit and toasting drink, had “Winked,” at her. Soon John called her and they were spending hours on the phone talking every night. They would stay up late, regardless that they had to be at work early the next day.
John asked her out and drove from Gardena to BJ’s in Chino. It was exactly a 49.4 mile drive. They both had written that 50 miles was the longest they would drive to meet someone. Another half a mile in distance, and they would have never met. It was obvious that the distance did not bother John, for the following date, he took Kellie to Long Beach. They spent the entire day together visiting the aquarium, riding the ferris wheel and walking along the pier. Their second date ended with their first kiss.
For their third date, John took Kellie to watch The Lakers play. The seats were spectacular. You could see the sweat dripping off the players. Little did Kellie know then that John was not really into basketball or sports for that matter. He was just obviously into her.
It would be on a trip to Laughlin, sitting on a bench at the river’s edge where John would tell Kellie for the first time he loved her.
John not only made Kellie happy, but everyone in her family. He was soon there for all extended family functions. He made an effort to talk to her brothers, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. He would bring the entertainment for everyone, whether it was a corn-hole, a karaoke set or a dice game. Kellie’s family began to call him, “Fun John.” Kellie loved his generous nature and how he put others before himself. She was in love.
A love like this deserves two proposals. The first happened in their kitchen. Kelly had given John sass that morning, reminding him that he had said that by the year 2018, they would be married. It was already March. The hint that planning a wedding would take time had became an outright declaration of facts on Kelly’s part. That evening, John asked Kelly’s father for her hand. Then he asked Kelly if he needed his proposal to be somewhere special. Kelly answered, “If we were on vacation, I would probably be expecting it and I’d rather be surprised. I would be more surprised, if you were to just come home one night during the week and ask me.” Kelly was playing with the dog, as they were talking. She turned to see John on his knee with a ring. He had surprised her.
But John was not done. On the a beautiful beach in Kauai, John proposed again, telling Kelly, “I never envisioned proposing to you in Harbor City in the kitchen. I always thought I would do it somewhere, like here. So will you marry me?” Of course, Kellie said, “Yes!”

This Story was captured by A Story in Time Photography. If you are interested in your Engagement or Wedding Story being captured, please contact us using the contact button at the top of this post or HERE.
“A picture captures a moment in life, a reason to remember, holding the ones we love….forever… in a Story in Time.”
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