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Tag Archives: Glen Arbor Park

Murrieta Engagement Photography- Bryan and Jessica

Bryan remembers that he met Jessica when his hacky sack got stuck in the eave of  a building of a shopping center.  He borrowed  Jessica’s mom’s cane to get it down and noticed Jessica for the first time. She was oblivious to the guy who then had black hair. For Jessica, the first time she met Bryan… noticed him… was after Bible study. Of all nights, she had taken her dad along. She and Bryan talked and became friends under the watchful eyes of her father.  Friends… good friends.. friends that hung out a lot.  A lot. That was all.  In each of their hearts, each was more, but neither said anything. Finally, on a day when Jessica  was determined to tell him how she felt, to protect her heart… it was Bryan who after hours of silence said he liked her. Fast forward to the eve of Jessica’s birthday. Bryan convinced her to go for a hike close to midnight. (The next morning he had to be at work at 3:00 a.m and Jessica had to leave by 5:00 a.m.) There atop a city view, Jessica blew out a candle on a cupcake, closed her eyes, made a wish, opened her eyes to find Bryan on one knee with a ring asking, “Will you marry me?”

To see more pictures, click here to see their Cinematic Love Story if it does not appear below.

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A picture captures a moment in life, a reason to remember, holding the ones we LOVE... FOREVER.. in a Story in Time.