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Tag Archives: Claremont Colleges Engagement

Claremont Engagement Session: Benjamin loves Priscyla

This love story began on a road trip to Vegas when a group of friends traveled together to celebrate a 21st birthday. Priscyla called “shotgun” and ended up next to the driver. She talked to Benjamin the entire drive over. Benjamin found it hard to keep his eyes on the road, next to him was a beautiful girl who kept him smiling.

By the end of the weekend, Benjamin had asked a friend for her number, and Priscyla, who had not stopped thinking about him, was happy to give it. They soon realized that they lived blocks from each other. They had always meant to be close, but it had taken a trip to another state to bring them together.

Priscyla describes Benjamin as thoughtful, considerate, and generous. “The love he has for his family is something so special. He makes time to see his parents every week. He helped support his family through a hard time without asking for anything in return. He happily drives over two hours to visit his brother, niece, and nephew.”

Benjamin describes her as beautiful, caring, and selfless. Priscyla is the woman he will always love.  Their relationship is built on mutual love and support, always encouraging each other to move forward.  On a family trip to Cabo San Lucas, on a beautiful beach, Benjamin pulled a box from his pocket and dropped to one knee. His face went serious for a second, and Priscyla knew what it meant. She said, “Yes,” to the man she loved.

The girl who had called “shotgun” eleven years ago and sat beside him would now be by his side forever.


This Story was captured by A Story in Time Photography: Jessie Cadenas. If you are interested in your Engagement or Wedding Story being captured, don’t hesitate to contact us using the contact button at the top of this post or HERE.

See and get to know Jessie, the photographer  on her  personal FACEBOOK PAGE (yeah it’s open. You can stalk, but we can always be friends,) but if that’s too weird this is the Business Page

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To see all the pictures from this session, visit the Gallery.

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Claremont Engagement: David loves Sandra

David’s son knew that Sandra was definitely someone his dad should meet. Neither, David or Sandra were really convinced. So that first meeting was nothing spectacular. If any part of it was memorable, it was because David was wearing some crazy golf pants.
The second meeting would be what they called their first. David needed candy and went on to ask Sandra for help in the candy aisle, being his ever charming self. Even though, he was not wearing his golf pants, Sandra recognized him and said, “You realize we have already met?” A restaurant called, “Mama Carbines,” would be their first date.
Soon they realized that each other was the one. They saw kindness in each other. And being with each other made them the happiest they had ever been.
David proposed very honestly and calmly. It was as Sandra described a very REAL moment. He went and got the ring walked upstairs to where she was folding laundry. He told her how he felt about got down on one knee and proposed saying he would love to spend the rest of his life with me. Sandra, of course said, “Yes!” to the man she could never imagine being without.

This Story was captured by A Story in Time Photography. If you are interested in your Engagement or Wedding Story being captured, please contact us using the contact button at the top of this post or HERE.

“A picture captures a moment in life, a reason to remember, holding the ones we love….forever… in a Story in Time.”

To see all pictures from this event, please visit the Gallery.

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    Engagement- Steven loves Anna

    Her parents were out of town and so Anna threw a party. Little did she know that one of the boys that would show up that night would one day ask her to marry him. The second party Steven went to was for her birthday. He told Anna he had a present for her and asked if he could give it to her…it was a kiss. It would be the first of many.

    To see more pictures click HERE if their Cinematic Love Story does not appear below.

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      A picture captures a moment in life, a reason to remember, holding the ones we LOVE... FOREVER.. in a Story in Time.