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Tag Archives: Cal aero

Cal Aero Quinceañera/ Ari

Ari is described by her mom as loving, smart, and beautiful. She is friendly, and hard-working. Somehow, she manages school, sports, and assignments.

Arianna’s family is not traditional, but they try their best to keep traditions in the family. A Quinceañera was something that brought the family together and celebrated Ari at the same time.

Ari had her Quinceañera at Cal Aero in Chino. It is an airplane hangar! Ari was able to take pictures with an airplane, but she also got to stand on a runway with her softball friends.

Mariachi Santa Mónica played the Mexican Birthday Song, “Las Mañanitas.” She danced with her dad and the emotion overtook both of them. But a smile returned to her face, as all of her family and guests joined her on the dance floor for a group photo. Ari was surrounded by everyone who loved her.

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This Story was captured by A Story in Time Photography – Jessie Cadenas and Denise Hernández. We are Los Angeles, Orange County Wedding Photographers located in the Inland Empire. If you are interested in having your Family, Quinceañera, Engagement, or Wedding Story being captured, please contact us using the contact button at the top of this post or HERE.

See and get to know Jessie, the photographer, on her personal FACEBOOK PAGE (yeah it’s open. You can stalk, but we can always be friends), but if that’s too weird this is the Business Page!  Follow us on Instagram! 

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    A picture captures a moment in life, a reason to remember, holding the ones we LOVE... FOREVER.. in a Story in Time.