Amanda was 9 years old and Andrew was 15 and the only thing they had in common was their love for ice hockey and that her step dad was his coach. Honestly, it was Amanda’s mom who was more smitten with Andrew. She would joke with him, that since he was a perfect gentleman, that one day he would marry her daughter.
Over the years, the hockey games came and went and they would see each other occasionally at the Ontario Ice Skating Center Rink. Whether it was cheering for games or Andrew being her ref and giving her penalties for no reason, “friends,” they remained.
Then the summer of 2014 came. Amanda had just graduated from College in Chicago. There she was having a nice conversation with him, suddenly noticing his sophistication and his good looks. Quickly her new mood changed, when Andrew asked her from what high school she had just graduated. Amanda realized, he still saw her as a little kid.
It would take a couple of months for Andrew to ask for her number, a week of texting, and canceling on meeting for drinks before they found themselves at the LA County Fair on their first date. It was at the San Dimas Rodeo where Andrew fell in love, but it would be at a fake camping trip where Amanda would fall in love with him. She couldn’t go camping because of school, so Andrew came over with little tent, a pretend fire and even downloaded music so it would sound like the fire was crackling. From that night, Amanda knew that Andrew was the man of her dreams.
Only a few short months would pass when they were in Vegas for a hockey tournament. Knowing how much her grandparents meant to Amanda, Andrew put them up in a hotel so they could enjoy watching them play. Amanda thought it was the sweetest thing, but she would later find out that they would be more than spectators of a game that day. Andrew got down on one knee on the ice in front of everyone and said, “I win, will you marry me?” The teenage boy who she barely noticed at the ice skating rink as a child was now the man before her proposing. Game over. And they both won. Amanda said, “Yes!”
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Mission Inn Christmas Family Session: The Casteñedas » Story In Time[…] and Ariel have a two-year-old now! Amalia was just a baby when she first appeared on my camera. Last year, she started walking. But this year, there was no […]