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Riverside Engagement: Fairmount Park: Game Lab: Donte loves Carissa

They don’t remember who liked who first on, but they do remember that they talked about surviving a zombie apocalypse on their first date. And that would pretty much sum them up as a couple…goofy, fun and loving.

Besides loving his big, goofy grin, Carissa loves Donte because he is determined, understanding, fun, and cute. “He makes me feel comfortable being my nerdy self and supports all the random hobbies I get in to. I can be a very anxious person, but he makes me feel confident and at ease.”

Donte was in love the moment Carissa said she was into video games. (That and she matched her beautiful profile picture.) He soon learned that she was empathetic, humble, and funny. “It’s not always easy to make me laugh, but she can manage to get a good chuckle out of me almost every day. But more importantly, she has humility and empathy, which I think are characteristics that much of humanity is lacking, and it’s part of what makes her an incredible human being.”

Donte proposed in the most original way ever!!! Donte did a striptease to Ginuwine’s “Pony.” He had the ring in his underwear. He wanted her to laugh and not cry. She said, “Yes!

This Story was captured by A Story in Time Photography: Jessie Cadenas with the assistance of Melissa Quezada. If you are interested in your Family, Quinceañera, Engagement, or Wedding Story being captured, don’t hesitate to contact us using the contact button at the top of this post or HERE.

See and get to know Jessie, the photographer  on her  personal FACEBOOK PAGE (yeah it’s open. You can stalk, but we can always be friends,) but if that’s too weird this is the Business Page

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    A picture captures a moment in life, a reason to remember, holding the ones we LOVE... FOREVER.. in a Story in Time.