Jennifer toasted from the balcony with her bridesmaids, while across town Kevin played with his dog and messed around with his groomsmen. Jennifer’s dad proudly walked his daughter down the aisle of the Catholic Church as he had envisioned for years, holding back tears. Kevin never took his eyes off Jennifer as she walked to him and smiled at her throughout the ceremony. A kiss in the church. A kiss down the aisle and then it was a race against light and traffic to take wedding pictures in a winery and to celebrate. There was an amazing and epic first dance that included every song you could think of, an emotional toast by the father of the bride, sparklers at the end of the night and a bride and groom who loved each other and showed love for everyone around them. Blessed to do what we love! Kevin and Jennifer got married!
Photography: A Story in Time Photography– Jessie Cadenas and Tyler Wadsworth, with the photography assistance of Stephanie Arellanes, Amanda Dyell and Jacqueline Salazar.
To see all memories captured or to order prints, click TA WEDDING
1 comment
Amanda DyellThis wedding turned out amazing! Thank you Jennifer for allowing me to tag along. You made a stunning bride! Congrats again you guys! -AmandaReplyCancel
Amanda DyellThis wedding turned out amazing! Thank you Jennifer for allowing me to tag along. You made a stunning bride! Congrats again you guys! -Amanda