Their love story began when they were thousands of miles away from each other. Kevin started his new job while Jennifer was on vacation. When she came back, since he was new and she was in Human Resources, she interviewed him. If anyone at this point was interested in the other, they didn’t let each other know it. Two people dating in the company was frowned on, so they became friends who smiled at each other, then good friends who went to lunch, then best friends who worked out together. Kevin even asked Jennifer’s father permission to date her. (He was helping him carry a TV at the time. How could he say, “No,”?)
Fast forward to New York, where Kevin walked with Jennifer around Central Park and walked some more and some more, pausing here and there. He was actually making time waiting for the photographer who he had hired to show up and capture the event. There on a bench he asked Jennifer three questions. This time he was the one doing the interviewing. The last question was if she would marry him. If she had hidden what she felt years ago, that night she didn’t. She said, “Yes.”
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