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Sammy loves Bella- Love is eternal

Even though the phrase, “Till Death do us part,” exists, I believe love is eternal. Thirteen years ago, Sylvia married the man who asked her out by giving her a bouquet of flowers he picked from his garden. Sammy calls Sylvia, “Bella.” It means beautiful. She calls him, “My Sammy.” He leaves loves her notes on the refrigerator or around the house for her to find.
Years ago, Sammy lost a baby girl. He told Sylvia that he had thought that when he had lost his daughter, that he didn’t know how he would ever get through that. One day, as he sat and watched Sylvia’s daughters with their husbands and the grandkids all playing together, he said, “Look Bella at the beautiful family that you gave to me.”
A few years back, Sylvia was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and he has continuously taken care of her…washing her hair, helping her shower and especially being there for her when she has a physically painful day.
The caretaker roles have now been reversed with his Cancer diagnosis. Sammy is getting weaker, his body is starting to fail him more and more, but the love they have for each other has not diminished and only gotten stronger. As they open their eyes each morning, they appreciate the time God is giving them.

This session was Sammy’s wish. He wanted pictures with Bella and her family…his family.

This session was Sammy’s wish. He wanted pictures with Bella and her family…his family.

To see more pictures from this session click, HERE if the cinematic story does not appear below.

To see all pictures from this session click HERE.

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  • Barbara LoganThese memories will forever be treasured just as much as our wedding pictures are. Thank you is not nearly enough to say for this beautiful gift you gave to my family. My Step Father loves these. Thank you to my 2 angels carrying cameras Jessie and Stephanie. You both did an amazing job!ReplyCancel

A picture captures a moment in life, a reason to remember, holding the ones we LOVE... FOREVER.. in a Story in Time.