It was my dad who taught me to read and write and who handed me a camera, but it was my mom who taught me everything else: to love, to pray, to have faith, to enjoy life, to help others, to act crazy and to laugh. We love you mom! Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for the example, the prayers and for loving us unconditionally.
Fue mi papá quien me enseño a leer y a escribir y quien me pasó una cámara, pero fue mi mamá quien me enseñó todo lo demás: amar, rezar, tener fé, disfrutar la vida, ayudar a otros, actuar con locura y reir. ¡Te queremos mamá! Feliz Día de Las Madres. Gracias por el ejemplo, las oraciones y por querernos incondicionalmente.
-Mija, Pepe, Jano, Janina, Clare, Jesús, Nick and Vivi-
ViviI love you Abuelita and thank you for the marbles.I now have 110 marbles. I love making cakes, burritos and pan de abuelita with you!
JaninaFrom Vivi – I love you Abuelita. Thank you for the marbles. I now have 110. Also, I love making pan de abuelita, burritos, and cupcakes and cakes with you.
From Nick – Abuelita, you are very nice and I love you. Thank you for the marbles and all the gifts you’ve given me. I love you cooking and you are AWESOME!
From Pepe – Shiga – I love you very much and I love having lunches with you. You are the best Mama Shiga ever!
From Janina – Abuelita – you are the best Mommy In Law ever. I love you very much and thank you for all you do for all of us. I hope you have a wonderful day. MUAH!
JanoFrom Jano – I love you mom. Have a wonderful mother’s day and I’m looking forward to seeing you soon!